ONE DAY OUT: No Matter Who Wins the #AZSen Primary, the AZ GOP Loses

For Immediate Release
Monday, August 1, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,

ONE DAY OUT: No Matter Who Wins the #AZSen Primary, the AZ GOP Loses 
PHOENIX — After more than a year of this “bitter” GOP Senate “primary fight,” Arizona Republicans are just one day away from selecting their nominee. To mark the occasion, we put together a highlight reel from their final debate, highlighting the “C-list” candidates — apart from Brnovich who didn’t even show up — who have made this “intensely personal” and “nasty” contest, in a word, “combustible.”


Months of primary chaos featuring embarrassing fundraising hauls, “heated” debates, and a multi-million dollar intra-primary attack ad war ushered in a storm of negative stories highlighting just how unfit these “decidedly weak” candidates are to represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate.
To get to know them, their vulnerabilities, and their out of touch positions, see below for a rundown of the key stories you might have missed:
Blake Masters is a billionaire-backed California tech bro with dangerous and divisive opinions who supports banning abortion and privatizing Social Security.

Jim Lamon is an out-of-touch self-funder who has spent nearly $10 million on Arizona airwaves to hide the fact that he supports dangerous policies that would hurt Arizonans.

Mark Brnovich is a career politician known for abusing his office, bending to party pressure, and wasting taxpayer money — all to benefit himself and his career.


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