MEDIA ADVISORY: Arizona Leaders Reveal #AZSen Candidates’ True MAGA Agenda

For Immediate Release
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,

MEDIA ADVISORY: Arizona Leaders Reveal #AZSen Candidates’ True MAGA Agenda 

PHOENIX — TODAY at 12:00 pm local time, a coalition of Arizona leaders will join the Arizona Democratic Party for a press conference to shine light on the GOP Senate primary candidates’ dangerous MAGA agenda and highlight just how out of touch this field really is.
Over the course of this bruising primary, Mark Brnovich, Jim Lamon, and Blake Masters have pushed their dangerous views on everything from the 2020 election to Social Security to abortion rights in an effort to earn the support of the far-right faction of the Republican Party, including and especially former President Donald Trump.
While they continue to hide from voters, spin their agendas, and condemn members of the press for reporting on their dangerous, politically-motivated policy positions, speakers at today’s event will outline — using new, unreported evidence — exactly why they have no business representing Arizona in the U.S. Senate.

RSVP: Please RSVP here for additional details. 

WHAT: Press conference to shine light on the GOP Senate primary field’s true MAGA agenda
WHEN: Thursday, May 19 at 12:00 – 12:30 PM MST
WHERE: Arizona State Capitol, Rose Garden, 1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Raquel Terán, Chair of the Arizona Democratic Party and Arizona State Senator
Richard Andrade, Arizona State Representative 
David Lucier, President and CEO of Arizona Veterans & Military Leadership Alliance
Saundra Cole, President of the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans


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