THIS MORNING: ADP and Arizona Pro-Choice Organizations to Call On Brnovich to End His War on Roe

For Immediate Release
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,

TODAY: ADP and Arizona Pro-Choice Organizations to Call On Brnovich to End His War on Roe 

The longtime opponent of reproductive freedom is currently running to take his anti-choice agenda to the Senate
PHOENIX — TODAY at 8:00 am local time, Arizona Democratic Party Chair Raquel Terán will join a protest at Mark Brnovich’s office to call on him to end his unpopular crusade to limit Arizonans’ access to reproductive health care.

For years now, Senate primary candidate Mark Brnovich has continuously used his position as AG to push his personal anti-choice agenda. While he, along with his opponents, continue to spout their dangerous and restrive positions on Roe v. Wade, Brnovich has been shockingly silent on the newly-introduced Texas copycat abortion ban in the Arizona State House.

In his bid for U.S. Senate, Arizonans deserve to know whether or not he’s running to take his anti-choice position with him to Washington.
RSVP: Please RSVP here.
WHAT: Protest to call on GOP Senate candidate Mark Brnovich to end his dangerous war on Roe v. Wade.
WHEN: Thursday, February 10th at 8:00 am MST
WHERE: Office of the Attorney General, 2005 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ

  • Arizona Democratic Party
  • Arizona List
  • Arizona Center for Women’s Advancement


Brnovich, a self-described “defender of freedom,”  is a longtime opponent of reproductive rights and has shamelessly used his power and position to push his personal anti-choice agenda — which runs counter to the preferences of most Arizonans— to restrict the constitutional rights of Arizonans. In just the last five years, Brnovich has:

  • Defended an anti-choice activist who used an illegally-obtained video to push “outrageous claims” on reproductive health care that were “flat-out untrue.”
  • Signed onto a legal brief urging the Supreme Court to “overrule Roe and Casey” — the two foundational legal precedents that affirmed individual reproductive rights in this country nearly five decades ago.
  • Asked a judge to ignore precedent and enforce an abortion ban found to place an “undue burden on the rights of women” because, according to Brnovich, Arizona has a “compelling interest” to rip away individual freedoms and prosecute doctors who provide reproductive care.
  • Remained noticeably silent on the newly-introduced and highly restrictive abortion bill in the Arizona State House that, modeled after the 2021 Texas law, would ban the procedure as early as 6 weeks.

    Worse yet, Brnovich isn’t alone in his dangerous, reckless stance on reproductive rights. Check out how out of touch the rest of the GOP primary field is here


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