For Immediate Release
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,
Blake Masters to Cozy Up to National Abortion Ban Architect
For Over a Year, Masters Has Called for a Nationwide Ban on Abortion Without Exceptions
PHOENIX — On Friday, Blake Masters is set to welcome Lindsey Graham — the architect of the national abortion ban — to Arizona, where 87% of voters support the right to safe and legal abortion.
Last month, Masters cemented his status as one of the nation’s most dangerous Senate candidates when he endorsed Graham’s federal abortion ban, saying “of course” he supported the legislation and reiterating that he’s never met an abortion ban he doesn’t like.
But for Masters, that’s just the start. He has called to completely ban abortion in America, saying he would support nationalizing Arizona’s pre-statehood ban that outlaws abortion without exceptions for rape or incest and mandates prison time for providers. He’s called abortion “demonic,” equated it to “religious sacrifice,” and said we need to “make it illegal…punish the doctors.”
Masters has spent the last few weeks mooching off the worst of Washington including Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and now, Lindsey Graham, proving time and again that he is nothing but a “dangerous politician,” solely focused on advancing his own political career, even if it means irrevocably harming Arizonans.