Blake Breakdown: A Week of Crying Wolf and Paying Nazis


For Immediate Release
Friday, October 21, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,
Blake Breakdown: A Week of Crying Wolf and Paying Nazis

PHOENIX — Welcome to the latest edition of the ‘Blake Breakdown’ — a weekly roundup of the latest news on Blake Masters, the “fringe,” “extreme,” and “dangerous” Republican nominee for U.S. Senate.

Known for his divisive rhetoric, far-right positions, and Twitter temper tantrums, Masters is a risk Arizonans cannot afford. From now until November 8th, the Arizona Democratic Party’s ‘Blake Breakdown’ is here to help you keep track of the latest reason why he has no business serving in the U.S. Senate.

Here’s what you missed this week:

MONEY TALKS, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE SO LITTLE: Earlier today, Jewish Insider revealed that Masters has a certified neo-Nazi on his payroll. That’s right, Blake Masters is literally paying someone who led the American Populist Union — a group best known for hosting a birthday party for Hitler. Given his hoards of endorsements by several prominent White Nationalists, we’re not sure what’s more surprising: the fact that Masters has Neo-Nazis working for him, or the fact that Broke MastersTM can still make payroll.  

(GALLE)GO AWAY, BLAKE: On Monday, Congressman and U.S. Marine combat veteran Ruben Gallego published a scathing op-ed in Fox News condemning Masters’ previous attacks on the U.S. military. Masters — a man who has not once served anyone but himself and his Big Tech benefactor — made headlines last month for calling our military and veterans “totally incompetent,” “piss poor,” and “embarrassing.” The opinion piece resonated so well with Arizonans that the Republic’s own E.J Montini dedicated a column to it, kindly bumping it for Arizona’s 500,000 veterans and 20,000 active servicemembers — all of whom deserve a Senator who represents and respects them.

HE’S JUST WAY OFF BASE: Also on Monday, three Arizona veterans joined Congressman Gallego for a press conference to denounce Masters’ attacks on the U.S. military as “disqualifying” and “dangerous,” ultimately concluding that he is simply “unfit to represent the great people of Arizona.” Despite running for John McCain’s Senate seat against Mark Kelly — two Navy combat veterans themselves — Masters recently doubled down on his military attacks, saying there is “rot” in its ranks. We’ve got to hand it to him, Blake Masters is the epitome of audacious, but his unflinching ability to spit in the face of those who serve and sacrifice is definitely something.

THE BOY WHO CRIED FRAUD (AGAIN): Arizonans are already voting and election denier Masters just leveled up his conspiracy, saying he’ll have “an army” of folks on the ground to monitor (read: intimidate) voters at ballot drop boxes across the state. Apparently bored of 2020 election lies, Masters has repeatedly and preemptively cried fraud in the 2022 midterms (obviously without evidence). Here’s the thing: Blake, if you’re not feeling (good about) ‘22, just say so. No need to drag democracy down with you.

WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE: Earlier today, Masters was joined on the campaign trail by none other than Medicare thief and architect of the national plan to sunset Social Security, Rick Scott. Given Masters’ shameless calls to “cut the knot” and “privatize” Social Security, these men are made for each other. Whether it’s stripping seniors of their livelihoods, getting on McConnell’s bad side, or kissing up to Trump, they certainly have enough in common to occupy an afternoon of events that no one else shows up for.


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