Univision Arizona: Blake Masters: “No Citizenship, Ever” For Dreamers

For Immediate Release
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss, hgoss@azdem.org

Univision Arizona: Blake Masters: “No Citizenship, Ever” For Dreamers 
PHOENIX — Last week, a new report from Univision Arizona highlighted Blake Masters’ out-of-touch belief that DACA recipients should never become American citizens, doubling down on his unpopular, far-right position.

Masters, the “extreme” GOP nominee, first introduced his hardline “no citizenship, ever,” stance during a June Senate primary debate. Months later, despite the fact that 83% of Arizonans support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Masters reiterated his hardline stance.

Despite his recent desperate and deceitful attempted rebrand, Masters’ continued opposition to a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers illustrates that he is the same dangerous man he was in the primary, wildly out of step with Arizona values.

Watch the full report here, or see below for key translated excerpts:

  • REPORTER: “I find myself in Queen Creek where today the candidate from the Republican party, Blake Masters, held an event, and we took the opportunity to try and ask him about the following declarations.”
  • MASTERS: “These kids were brought without knowing what was happening. […] However, they should not have access to citizenship.” 
  • REPORTER: “These were the words from the candidate during a forum he participated in, and for Raquel Terán, leader of the Arizona Democratic Party, these declarations were out of line.”
  • ADP CHAIR RAQUEL TERÁN: “[Masters is] completely disconnected from the values of Arizonans. And sadly I am not surprised because he has shown who he is. Today he is [inaudible] from his primary he has been very clear that he is not working for the people of Arizona.”
  • REPORTER: “And in Arizona according to a poll from 2021 from the American Business Immigration Coalition, four out of every five voters in Arizona support the legalization for thousands of Dreamers, admitting the group contributes to the economy. We decided to look for the candidate and ask him why he is not in favor of them having access to citizenship and this is what he told us.”
  • MASTERS: “Because simply I am not in favor of rewarding people who break the laws of this country.”


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