WHAT THEY’RE WATCHING: Arizona Republican Women Cross Party Lines to Oppose Blake Masters And His Dangerous Abortion Position

For Immediate Release
Thursday, October 5, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss, hgoss@gmail.com

WHAT THEY’RE WATCHING: Arizona Republican Women Cross Party Lines to Oppose Blake Masters And His Dangerous Abortion Position

Masters Supports Nationalizing AZ’s Newly-Reinstated 1864 Abortion Ban
PHOENIX — Two weeks ago, Arizona women lost their right to an abortion — and while Blake Masters hopes voters will forget his support for nationalizing Arizona’s newly-reinstated abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, Republican women are crossing the aisle to denounce Masters, calling his position “too extreme for Arizona.”

Yesterday, former Republican State Senator Heather Carter, former Republican Vice Mayor of Phoenix Peggy Neely, and Republican business leader Lisa Hoberg held a press conference to highlight how Arizona women across the political spectrum are rejecting Masters’ overwhelmingly unpopular and undeniably harmful plan to completely ban abortion nationwide.

See below for a roundup of coverage from the event:

CBS Phoenix: GOP Women Supporting Mark Kelly for Senate, Women Claim Blake Masters Is Too Extreme

  • A group of Republican women are coming out in support of Democrat Mark Kelly. They call Kelly’s opponent Blake Masters extreme. The women held a press conference criticizing Master’s stance on abortion…They say Kelly is the better pick for Arizona’s Senate seat.
  • Also in support, former Republican State Senator Heather Carter: “Blake Masters is too extreme for Arizona. We need a senator who is willing to cross party lines, work with anybody who wants to solve the complex problems that we are facing in Arizona.”

NBC Phoenix: Conservative Women Against Masters

  • Another group of conservatives are coming together to cross party lines in support of Democrat Mark Kelly…The women gathered at the State Capitol to say they’re opposed to Blake Masters’ position on the abortion ban.
  • Masters supported the most extreme version of an abortion ban before the primary election… “He wants us to believe that that isn’t his position today. He’s wiped it off of his website,” [said former Republican Vice Mayor of Phoenix Peggy Neely.]
  • “People want their elected officials to come up with common sense solutions, and when you take an extreme position on something like this, where we’re looking at a law that was put in place pre-statehood with absolutely no exceptions, that is dangerous,” [said former Republican State Senator Heather Carter.]

Telemundo Arizona: Pro-Choice Republican Women

  • A group of Republican women…showed their discontent against Republican senatorial candidate Blake Masters and his stance on the abortion issue.
  • According to those present, his plan to nationalize the 1864 law that now governs the state is too extreme for Arizonans regardless of political stance, even within his own party. The women who attended said that not only have they lost their right to abortion, but with Masters, personal decisions on women’s health care would be in jeopardy.


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