ROLL THE LAKE TAPES: “We Need to Lock These People Up”

Monday, October 23rd, 2023
ARIZONA -– The sixth edition of The Lake Tapes focuses on “leading conspiracy theorist” and “nightmare” GOP senate candidate Kari Lake’s desire to see election officials put in handcuffs and locked up.

Lake called certifying the 2020 election one of the “greatest acts of cowardice in American history,” despite “officials repeatedly [determining it] was not fraudulent after an audit, multiple recounts and at least a half dozen failed legal challenges.”

Just last week, Lake headlined a campaign event in Tucson alongside “Anti-Semitic Oathkeepers Charter Member” and State Senator Wendy Rogers. Rogers has been censured by the state legislature for “conduct unbecoming” when she gave a speech calling for the public execution of Democrats.

Roll The Lake Tapes…

Kari Lake: “President Trump is endorsing us because he knows that we refuse to turn a blind eye to this election of 2020. We are not going to sweep this one under the rug. I want to see perp walks just like Wendy [Rogers] does. I mean, I’m sorry to say it, I would love to see people in handcuffs. And I want a long perp walk that we can all watch them walk. We need to lock these people up. Lock them up! Absolutely.”

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