ROLL THE LAKE TAPES: Kari to McCain Supporters: “Get The Hell Out”

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

ARIZONA -– The ninth episode of The Lake Tapes, rolls the tape on Kari Lake’s fringe beliefs, including that “McCain Republicans” should “get the hell out.”

Kari Lake told Arizonans  who supported the late Senator John McCain to “get the hell out” and claimed Senator McCain was “reaching up from the grave trying to keep power in Arizona,” part of Lake’s pattern of disdain for anyone who doesn’t embrace her dangerous policies and conspiracy theories.

Roll The Lake Tapes …

Kari Lake: “We don’t have any McCain Republicans in here do we? [audience boos] Alright, get the hell out […] John McCain may be dead, but he is reaching up from the grave trying to keep power in Arizona […] Rarely did he do anything good for the people, and the people are aware of that.”

Here’s what people have been saying recently about Kari Lake’s fringe beliefs and dangerous conspiracy theories:

  • Northeast Valley News: “I’m so sick and tired of Kari Lake’s whining,” said longtime registered Republican Nathan Richman of Phoenix, “I actually voted for her, but I will never vote for Lake again.”
  • KGUN: “Lake alienated many establishment Republicans during her campaign for governor, even telling ‘McCain Republicans” to “get the hell out’ of a campaign event, describing the late and beloved Arizona Sen. John McCain a ‘loser.’”
  • The Gaydos and Chad Show’s Larry Gaydos: “No one is better than Kari Lake at alienating Republicans. No one is better than Kari Lake at alienating a large number of independent voters […] Kari Lake can’t win a general election. She’s kryptonite to general elections. She’s a joke. So, I mean, guess if you want to vote for her. Go ahead. I just thought Republicans wanted to win this time around.”
  • 12 News Sunday Square Off: Matt Benson, Republican Consultant: “…There’s two plus years of record that’s going to come back at her in TV ads and what not from everything she said during the last cycle, including telling McCain Republicans like myself to get the hell out. So that’s gonna be, look, you can’t just snap your fingers and disappear it.”
  • Tucson Sentinel’s Blake Morlock: “Way-too-early polling shows moderate Republicans h-a-a-a-a-a-t-e this woman […] She’s told Democrats, moderate Republicans and one can only assume moderate independents that she hates them.”
  • PJ Media’s Stephen Kruiser: “This is a bit of a mea culpa column for me, as I was a big fan of Lake’s last year. When I look at her now, I can hardly see her for all of the red flags she’s covered in. Honestly, I can’t remember ever souring on a politician this quickly after having been such a strong supporter. That’s obviously because I read everything wrong last year.”
  • Arizona Mirror’s Jim Small: When you tell voters to ‘get the hell out,’ prepare to lose embarrassingly
  • Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts: Kari Lake didn’t want moderate Republican voters, and it appears they’re returning the favor
  • CNN Opinion: Opinion: Kari Lake told Arizona’s McCain Republicans to ‘get the hell out.’ They did
  • The Washington Post: Kari Lake’s loss is the biggest blow to MAGA yet. “If there was a quip that defined Kari Lake’s now-failed 2022 campaign for governor, it was what she said about the late Sen. John McCain.”
  • People: “Lake again noted that the Republican party was “’the party of McCain,’ sneering her face before saying, “’I know. Boy, Arizona has delivered some losers, haven’t they?’”
  • The Independent Opinion: “Pettiness is not pretty and does not play well in Arizona. Bashing our beloved Senator John McCain did not work for President Trump in the 2020 election, where he helped turn the state blue for the first time in decades. It’s challenging to understand why Republicans such as gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake thought it would be appealing in 2022.”

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