REMINDER: David Schweikert Co-Sponsored Two Fetal Personhood Bills

Rep. Schweikert is attempting to trick Arizonans into forgetting his long anti-abortion record which includes co-sponsoring two fetal personhood bills 

February 27, 2024 

ARIZONA- Last week, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos can be granted legal personhood, jeopardizing IVF and access to contraception. Despite tweeting “IVF is a valuable and important tool for many Arizona families,” Rep. Schweikert has been working for years to destroy access to essential reproductive services including IVF.

A reminder on David Schwikert’s long anti-abortion record: 

  • David Schwikert has co-sponsored fetal personhood legislation twice. In 2015 he was a co-sponsor of H.R.816 and in 2021 he co-sponsored H.R. 1011. Both are a carbon copy of H.R. 431, Life at Conception Act that House Republicans introduced in 2023. Both pieces of legislation would ban all abortions and does not exclude IVF treatments in defining “person” as “each and every member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization.”
  • Schweikert celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade, tweeting he was “pleased” by the Supreme Court’s decision.
  • Schweikert supported Arizona’s 15-week abortion ban with no expections for rape or incest.
  • Schweikert voted against “The Right To Contraception Act” which established a statutory right for individuals to obtain and healthcare providers to provide contraceptives.
  • Schwiekert questioned the price tag of helping families thrive by voting against the Child Tax Credit, legislation that provided relief for 121,000 children in his district.


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