QUICK CLIP: “Kari Lake Wants The U.S. Supreme Court to Endorse a Conspiracy Theory”

“Republican Consultants Say Election Denial is Not the Way to Win”

Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

ARIZONA -–  In case you missed it, Kari Lake announced she appealed her “baseless” election denial case to the U.S. Supreme Court and now, Arizona Republicans are on the record saying Lake’s “election denial is not the way to win” and note she has not “brought over a lot of converts.” 

Even as “GOP leaders urge her to look forward,” begging Lake to stop litigating past elections, Arizonans saw on their local news that Kari Lake “hasn’t gotten off the election conspiracy bandwagon.”  

See for yourself: 

Brahm Resnik: Kari Lake has said she’s moving on from talking about the 2022 election she lost, but she wants the U.S. Supreme Court to endorse a conspiracy theory that undermines trust in our elections. Republican consultants say election denial is not the way to win. 

Brahm Resnik: Kari Lake is on the ballot. 

Kari Lake: Frankly we could keep collecting signatures, there’s so much support for our campaign. 

Brahm Resnik: But the Republican Senate candidate hasn’t gotten off the election conspiracy bandwagon. 

Kari Lake: I just want to make sure we have an honest election, that we have faith in. 

Brahm Resnik: Lake’s patron, Mike Lindell, the MyPillow Guy, asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review Lake’s conspiracy-laden lawsuit, that would require hand counting millions of Arizona ballots. Two lower courts have thrown out the suit as baseless. Lake’s lawyers face a six figure fine.

Republican consultant Barrett Marson: So she needs to talk about issues that impact Arizonans, and election denialism does not. 

Brahm Resnik: Republican political consultant Barrett Marson says Lake’s attack on elections drove away GOP voters in her losing 2022 campaign for governor. 

Barrett Marson: I don’t think she has brought over a lot of converts. 

See also: Vanity Fair: Kari Lake Asks US Supreme Court To Outlaw All Electronic Voting, Politico: Kari Lake wants the Supreme Court to revive her case looking to block voting machines, Arizona Mirror: Kari Lake and Mark Finchem appeal their tabulator case to the U.S. Supreme Court, Capitol Media Services: Kari Lake, Mark Finchem ask Supreme Court for ‘do-over’ in Arizona voting machine case, Arizona Republic Opinion: Mike Lindell’s and Kari Lake’s ‘explosive’ new evidence of election skullduggery goes pffft, Newsweek: Kari Lake Wants Supreme Court To Upend How America Votes, Democracy Docket: The Biggest Election Deniers Want SCOTUS to Ban Voting Machines, Arizona Republic: Kari Lake focuses on election denialism, immigration concerns at Cave Creek rally

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