“Nominating her is a suicide mission” … “Not hitting on all cylinders” … “Your campaign is a mess”
Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
ARIZONA -– Yesterday, a conservative radio-host described Kari Lake’s campaign as a “dumpster fire” and suggested Arizona Republicans believe “nominating [Lake] is a suicide mission” – the newest addition to the near-constant stream of Republicans raising concerns that “Lake is not a strong candidate in Arizona.”
Listen to what conservative radio-host John Fredericks had to say yesterday about Lake’s “dumpster fire” campaign:
John Fredericks: “And right now, the Kari Lake for Senate campaign, it’s just, it’s just, it’s got all kinds of issues, folks. I mean, look, we all love Kari Lake, but I’m telling you, the campaign’s, it’s got all kinds of issues. And you know what they do, if you talk about it, they get very upset. Like Caroline Wren and them, like you can’t talk about the mistakes the campaign is making. They start texting you and emailing you and tweeting at you. And that’s not healthy. You got to get good feedback. You’re likely to beat Mark Lamb, who’s running against Lake for the Republican nomination for Senate. You’re likely to beat her. But your campaign is a mess. You’re not raising money. You’re all over the place and you’ve got a problem. And, you know, she didn’t really get the enthusiasm at the Arizona convention on Saturday. Christine Bauserman, who was there running for office, is going to give us an update at 9:35 a.m. today. And there was a hashtag going around hashtag Hari-Kari, hashtag Hari-Kari going around, which means that nominating her is a suicide mission. They got to get their act together. Likely to beat Lamb, but it’s not a done deal. A lot of people think Lamb, the sheriff, Mark Lamb, would be a stronger candidate and be a likely victory in the fall where Lake could get beat by the communists there. I just tell it like it is, folks. And, Caroline Wren, you can send me as many nasty tweets as you want. It doesn’t change what’s going on in the ground. Love Kari Lake. Hope she wins. But campaign, not hitting on all cylinders. Let me put it mildly. If you didn’t want to put it mildly, you would say it’s a dumpster fire. But I’m going to put it mildly and say not hitting on all cylinders cause very early.”
Read more Republicans’ concerns about Kari Lake’s nightmare campaign: Washington Post: Tensions grow between Trump and Lake in Arizona race for Senate; New York Times: Kari Lake, a Trump Acolyte, Struggles to Find Her Path; NBC: Despite attempts to be less ‘divisive,’ Kari Lake finds it hard to shed her MAGA instincts; National Review: Kari Lake’s Out-of-State Travel Adds Up; Arizona Republic Opinion: Kari Lake’s Chances of Winning Arizona Seem Dimmer By the Day; Arizona Republic Opinion: Kari Lake 2.0 wants a new 2022 election? So much for moving on, Axios: U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake pivots back to stolen election rhetoric, MSNBC: Kari Lake faceplants in the mad dash to whitewash her extremism, Arizona Republic: Kari Lake’s back on the air, this time talking far-right topics on online show, Arizona Republic: Kari Lake’s charm offensive is more offensive than charming for moderate Republicans, Washington Post: Kari Lake struggles to court moderates, imperiling GOP Senate pickup, POLITICO: When QAnon fundraises for Kari Lake … she shows up, Arizona Republic: Kari Lake defends Jan. 6 Capitol rioters on the Senate campaign trail