Mother of Officer Killed During January 6th Insurrection: “My Son Died Because of People Like Kari Lake”

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, Nov. 1st, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry,



Mother of Officer Killed During January 6th Insurrection: “My Son Died Because of People Like Kari Lake”


PHOENIX—Gladys Sicknick, mother of the Capitol Police officer who died after January 6, is in a new ad speaking out against Kari Lake. Her son, Brian Sicknick, fought back against pro-Trump rioters during the Jan. 6 insurrection.


In the ad, Sicknick says, “Kari Lake is very dangerous for our country. She saw what happened on January 6th and continued to spread the Big Lie. We’re going to have more violence because people believe whatever she says. It’s very dire for democracy for our country with candidates like Kari Lake. My son died because of people like Kari Lake.”


Just this week Lake again peddled the Big Lie, saying, “The truth is Joe Biden did not win with 81 million votes, and if you believe he did then you are the conspiracy theorist.”


Lake has repeatedly trivialized and refused to condemn political violence.  Most recently, Lake mocked the attempted violent kidnapping of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the vicious attack on her husband that has left him in an ICU. She’s also warned there would be “hell to pay” if “they steal” the election and she issued a debate challenge with “Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are, Katie,” in what echoed a mockery of ​​the chant from armed protestors saying “Katie Come Out And Play.” After Lake attacked ASU and PBS for interviewing Katie Hobbs, the Dean of ASU’s Cronkite School urged faculty and students to stay home over security concerns, and CNN journalist Kyung Lah reported a rash of death threats and racial slurs coming in from apparent Lake supporters.

“Kari Lake should watch this ad and feel nothing but shame and embarrassment for how she’s disrespected this mother and the memory of her son who lost his life defending our nation’s Capitol. Lake has repeatedly trivialized political violence, refused to condemn it and even tacitly encouraged it. She belongs nowhere near any position of power,” said Josselyn Berry, Spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party.

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