Kari Lake Would Cancel Super Bowl Sunday To Push Dangerous Agenda

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, Oct. 25th, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry, Jberry@azdem.org


Kari Lake Would Cancel Super Bowl Sunday To Push Dangerous Agenda

Lake Threatens Millions of Dollars for Arizona’s Economy

PHOENIX– Kari Lake has a new enemy: The NFL and the Super Bowl. During an interview Sunday, Lake welcomed a potential boycott of Arizona from the NFL and other businesses, saying she’s willing to risk the loss of the Super Bowl, risking the millions of dollars it brings to the state. When Arizona last hosted the Super Bowl in 2015, the local economy got a $720 million boost, the largest ever for a Phoenix event, according to a study commissioned by the host committee.


“Lake’s antagonism should inspire nightmares among Arizonans. She’s not even governor — and may never be. Nonetheless, she’s admitting a willingness to flirt with financial banishment and the fallout that could arise from it….It’s far easier to campaign than to govern. That’s why Kari Lake can walk around making proclamations and promises detached from reality,” wrote Ja’han Jones for MSNBC.


“Multiple experts have already called out Lake’s policies for hurting Arizona’s economy and this takes it to the next level. Threatening to deprive Arizona of hundreds of millions of dollars in needed revenue and business opportunities in a time of such economic uncertainty is reckless and dangerous, just like Kari Lake,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party.  


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