For Immediate Release
Wednesday, Oct. 5th, 2022
Contact: Josselyn Berry,
Kari Lake Ignores Arizonans to Campaign with Unpopular Extremists
PHOENIX – Less than a month until Election Day and Lake continues to associate with unpopular extremists instead of talking to voters she needs to win. Unlike some other GOP candidates who’ve tried wooing voters in the center, Lake has placed herself in the farthest right corner for her entire campaign. Now, Lake is joining Ted Cruz and Blake Masters for a campaign rally today in Queen Creek. And this weekend, former President Donald Trump returns to Arizona for an Oct. 9 rally in Mesa to support Lake and Masters.
Kari Lake continues to prove she has no interest in appealing to everyday Arizonans or addressing the critical issues facing our state. Instead, Lake has repeatedly insulted and ignored local media in favor of appearing only on friendly MAGA media like OANN and Sebastian Gorka’s show. Lake has failed to gain traction with more mainstream Republicans, including former governor Jan Brewer, and even Liz Cheney has sworn to fight against Lake’s candidacy.
“Lake’s choice to tie herself to Blake Masters, “a man who Arizonans see as utterly dangerous with beliefs that are wrong for our state, and Ted Cruz who abandoned his own state in the middle of a crisis, will do her no favors with the Independent and moderate voters she needs,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party. “It’s clear that Lake would rather pander to MAGA extremists than talk to Arizonans about the pressing issues they’re facing. Compare that to Katie Hobbs who hit the ground running, touring the state and talking to Arizonans about her plans to tackle pressing issues like the rising cost of living, water and public education.”
Here’s What Members of Her Own Party Have Said About Kari Lake:
- Governor Doug Ducey went on CNN and said, “Kari Lake is misleading voters with no evidence. She’s been tagged by her opponents with a nickname, Fake Lake, which seems to be sticking and actually doing some damage.”
- Former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney, said she would campaign against election deniers, singling out Republican gubernatorial nominees in Arizona and Pennsylvania. “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Kari Lake is not elected,” Cheney said at the closing night of the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.
- Tyler Montague, another Republican Consultant said, “If she wins, the GOP loses–either immediately in the election, or over the long term from all the damage she could cause by being a crazy conspiracy theorist.”
- Former Primary Opponent Karrin Taylor Robson called Kari Lake “fake,” “disqualifying,” a “fraud” and a “hypocrite.”