Kari Lake Calls People Who Get Abortions “Executioners”

For Immediate Release
Tues, Sept. 13th, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry, Jberry@azdem.org

Kari Lake Calls People Who Get Abortions “Executioners”

Lake Continues to Stand By Her Radical Positions on Abortion

PHOENIX– Kari Lake has proudly branded herself as the anti-choice, anti-abortion candidate in her campaign for governor, and unlike other candidates who have tried walking back their radical positions, Kari Lake is barreling ahead with her anti-abortion stances. The most recent example of that came in a tweet fired off over the weekend, where Kari Lake referred to people who seek abortion care as “executioners.” Lake has even said abortion is “murder”. As the Arizona Republic reported, “Lake has not budged from her staunch opposition to abortion,” despite a majority of Arizonans supporting access to abortion and it becoming a top issue in this election.


A reminder of Kari Lake’s unwavering support for a total  abortion ban: She responded to the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe by saying she supports the 1901 Arizona law  criminalizing abortion and celebrated it again as a “great law” during a forum in February and said she would support and enforce it during the Republican primary debate.  And shortly after becoming the GOP nominee for governor, Lake dodged a question from a reporter asking if she would advocate for “more restrictive abortion laws.”


She’s said “I am pro-life 100%. I’m against abortion,” opposing exceptions for rape and incest and the life of the woman. When asked if she supported exceptions for rape and incest, Lake said, “I don’t believe that any child should be killed in a mother’s womb” and that “life is sacred and you don’t mess with what God wants.” In a June interview on Fox News and in the GOP primary debate, Lake also said she supports banning abortion pills.


“Kari Lake should remember that when it comes to her radical stance on abortion, we have the reciepts. She should also remember that abortion access is widely popular in Arizona, and a motivating issue for voters,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party. “Meanwhile her opponent Katie Hobbs is a staunch supporter of reproductive freedom.”


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