Kari Lake “Absolutely Opposed” to Bipartisan Border Security Legislation

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 7th, 2024
Contact: Olivia Taylor-Puckett, otpuckett@azdem.org
Kari Lake “Absolutely Opposed” to Bipartisan Border Security Legislation

ARIZONA -– Kari Lake says she is “absolutely opposed” to the bipartisan border agreement despite the legislation being the “first major bipartisan overhaul of the nation’s immigration system since the 1990’s.”

Arizona Republic Commentator Laurie Roberts described Lake’s opposition to the legislation as an “absolute tantrum over the bipartisan deal,” noting that “within 35 minutes of its release on Sunday, Lake was coming unglued.”

“Kari Lake has shown time and again that she will put politics ahead of Arizonans. Instead of coming together to find real solutions, Lake continues to push conspiracy theories and refuses to stand up for Arizona families,”  said Olivia Taylor-Puckett, Senior Communications Advisor at the Arizona Democratic Party.

Read more from the Arizona Republic’s Laurie Roberts on Lake being “absolutely opposed” to the bipartisan border proposal:

  • For three years, she’s been screaming about the border. About the “invasion.” About the release of immigrants into the country to await asylum hearings that are years away. About terrorists who slip through our fingers and into our cities.
  • Now, suddenly, there’s a bipartisan plan to begin to fix, finally, the chaos on Arizona’s doorstep and she is throwing an absolute tantrum.
  • Since Sunday evening’s release of the bill, Lake has been a social media machine, posting hourly or more about the horrors of finally doing something to get control of our border.
  • The bipartisan plan, she says, is a “disgrace, a “slap in the face,” “a sellout of our nation.”…
  • The bill is 370 pages. Yet within 35 minutes of its release on Sunday, Lake was coming unglued…
  • Yet there is Lake, blindly following the marching orders of a former president who is far more interested in getting elected than in getting control of the border.
  • It’s sick. And telling. And so very, very sad.


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