ICYMI: New Reports Highlight Kari Lake’s Continued Election Denialism and Conspiracy Theories

Monday, May 13th, 2024

ARIZONA -–  On Sunday, Kari Lake said she’s “not ‘all that confident’ that the 2024 election will be fair” and pushed the white nationalist “great replacement” conspiracy theory yet again according to reports from The Hill and Arizona Republic.

  • The Hill:Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake said she’s not “all that confident” that the 2024 election will be fair, again dipping her toes into election denial conspiracies that put her 2022 gubernatorial race in legal trouble.”
  • Arizona Republic: “The Republican front-runner echoed the “great replacement theory” favored by white nationalists as she mixed accusations of election fraud with welfare fraud to a credulous Maria Bartiromo on her ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ show on Fox News.” 

Lake “just can’t help herself” as she continues to “latch on to” election conspiracy theories, despite publicly being told by national Republicans to leave conspiracies behind because Arizonans “are just really tired” of her election denialism.

This is not the first time Lake has pushed the “great replacement theory” or associated with its adherents. Previously, “Kari Lake spoke to ‘extremist’ Texas group” whose executive appeared to sympathize with the El Paso shooter who “cited ‘the Hispanic invasion of Texas’” as his motivation for killing 23 people and wounding another 22. In January, Lake made an “explicit venture into the influential and sprawling idea known as the “Great Replacement Theory,” when she “promoted, without evidence, conspiracy theories related to elections and immigration.”

Read more on Kari Lake’s election denialism and conspiracy theories:

The Hill: Kari Lake says she’s not ‘all that confident’ the 2024 election will be fair

May 12th, 2024

By: Nick Robertson

Key Points:

  • Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake said she’s not “all that confident” that the 2024 election will be fair, again dipping her toes into election denial conspiracies that put her 2022 gubernatorial race in legal trouble.
  • Lake said in a Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” interview with Maria Bartiromo that she strongly opposed efforts to encourage voter registration when people sign up for Medicare and Medicaid, claiming the process could be part of a conspiracy to generate fraudulent votes…
  • Lake added that she’s “absolutely, one thousand percent” sure the idea is intended to let noncitizens illegally living in the country vote in the 2024 election. Alleged schemes of noncitizens voting have consistently been tied to the “great replacement theory,” a white supremacist conspiracy theory. There are no records of noncitizens voting in any significant quantity in recent elections.
  • When asked how she felt about the 2024 election, she said she “wouldn’t be all that confident” in a fair outcome.
  • The rhetoric hearkens back to her failed 2022 Arizona gubernatorial campaign, in which she consistently repeated false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. She also denied her own election loss after she was defeated by Gov. Katie Hobbs (D).
  • The comments have repeatedly put Lake and her campaign under legal scrutiny. Her attorneys have been forced to pay thousands in sanctions for bringing fraudulent legal cases, and she forfeited her defense in a defamation suit brought by a state elections official this year over fraud conspiracies…

Arizona Republic: Kari Lake’s voter roll conspiracy: Senate candidate pushes ‘great replacement theory’

May 12th, 2024

By: Ron Hansen

Key Points:

  • …The Republican front-runner echoed the “great replacement theory” favored by white nationalists as she mixed accusations of election fraud with welfare fraud to a credulous Maria Bartiromo on her “Sunday Morning Futures” show on Fox News.
  • Lake has repeatedly employed these themes, in part to explain her 2022 gubernatorial loss… 
  • Lake initially agreed “a thousand percent” with Bartiromo that Democrats are allowing a flood of immigrants in part so they can “vote for the Democrats.”… 
  • Then Lake went on to suggest the immigrants’ names are added to the voter rolls so an unidentified “they” can vote for the group…
  • Such a plan would require breaking federal law. This criminal behavior is alleged despite a consistent lack of evidence…
  • In January, she built on a misleading social media post by billionaire Elon Musk to again hurl charges of a conspiracy theory….
  • The “great replacement theory” generally states that welcoming immigration policies, especially those impacting nonwhite migrants, are part of a plot to change the racial mix of a country and to undermine or “replace” the political power and culture of white people. Words like “invasion” are commonly invoked.
  • The demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 who chanted “You will not replace us” echoed the theory.
  • The gunman in the 2019 massacre in an El Paso Walmart that killed 23 people cited “the Hispanic invasion of Texas” as his motivation.

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