ICYMI: Kari Lake Hosted By “Far-Right Organization Whose President Says That ‘Abortion is Murder, Plain and Simple’” [Heartland Signal]

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
Contact: Olivia Taylor-Puckett, otpuckett@azdem.org
ICYMI: Kari Lake Hosted By “Far-Right Organization Whose President Says That ‘Abortion is Murder, Plain and Simple’” [Heartland Signal]

ARIZONA -–  Last Friday, Kari Lake headlined a gala in Lubbock, Texas just days after Republican Lubbock county commissioners passed an ordinance seeking to prevent women from crossing state lines to access abortion care.

Lake’s attendance – alongside County Commissioner Jason Corley who voted in favor of the ordinance, and anti-abortion extremist Mark Lee Dickson– shows she continues to support dangerous abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Heartland Signal: Kari Lake is scaling back her anti-abortion stance. She’s set to speak at one of the most anti-abortion towns in U.S.

By: Richard Eberwein

October 26th, 2023

Key Points:

  • On Friday, Arizona GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake is set to appear in Lubbock, Texas, a town that has passed some of the most stringent anti-abortion laws in both the state and country.
  • Lake will be hosted by the Lubbock Area Republican Women, a far-right organization whose president says that, “Abortion is murder, plain and simple.
  • But in addition to outlawing abortion within the city limits, Lubbock County also passed an ordinance to bar pregnant women and people from traveling across the county line to receive an abortion in another state.
  • Republicans saw heavy national losses in the 2022 midterms, especially from far-right candidates like Lake who took hard stances against abortion and other issues like election denial.

Here’s a reminder of Kari Lake’s views on abortion, in her own words:

  • Lake said she was “incredibly thrilled” by Arizona’s territorial abortion ban, which did not include rape or incest exceptions and would jail doctors for performing abortions, calling it a “great law.”
  • Lake has called abortion “murder” and almost a genocide.
  • Before Roe v. Wade was overturned. Lake said, “I joined Congressman Gosar in praying for God’s guidance to the Supreme Court and an end to this national disgrace created under Roe v Wade.”
  • When asked about the Texas abortion ban, an extreme law that allows for abortion “bounty hunters,” Lake said, “I will sign that in a heartbeat.” 
  • Lake said, “I believe in the Heartbeat Bill that Texas passed and this law in Texas […] I would sign it.”
  • Lake said, abortion is “not a choice that somebody gets to make […] That’s not a medical choice.” 
  • Lake said “abortion is the ultimate sin” that it is an execution.”
  • Lake said “I would very much support banning those types of abortion pills,” in reference to medical abortions, which have been proven safe.
  • Lake said, “I am pro-life 100%.”
  • Lake said, “I am pro-life 100%.”
  • Lake said, “I’m 100% pro-life and I’d like to see, I’d like to see no abortions…
  • Lake said, “I am pro-life and I am 100% pro-life.


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