ARIZONA- Today, Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano was joined by Biden National Advisory Board Member Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, State Senate Leader Mitzi Epstien, House Leader Lupe Contreras, and an Arizona healthcare provider to highlight Donald Trump and Arizona Republicans attacks on Arizonans reproductive healthcare.
What Arizona Democrats said:
- Chariwoman Yolanda Bejarano: “Este no es el país que nuestras madres y abuelas vivieron – y la razón detrás de esto es Donald Trump, y por primera vez en nuestra historia, los Jóvenes ahora tienen menos derechos que las generaciones de antes.”
- Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano: “Durante los últimos dos años, los votantes han sido claros: no queremos a los extremistas MAGA interfiriendo en nuestra atención médica. Extremistas MAGA como Kari Lake, que estan ‘encantados’ con la prohibicion territorial, que apoyan la ley sobre el latido de corazon de Texas, que son ‘100% pro-vida” y que dicen que el aborto “no es atencion medica.’”
- Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego: “Make no mistake, if Donald Trump returns to the White House, he will stop at nothing to ban abortion nationwide. But there’s good news. President Biden and Vice President Harris are working so hard to protect our rights. With President Biden and Vice President Harris, a national abortion ban will not happen. It has no chance of becoming law. “
- State Senator and Senate Leader Mitzi Epstein (LD-18): “I work with Republican legislators in Arizona who are following the Trump playbook, charging around like a bull in a china shop. They’re working to ban abortions, jail doctors, and punish women. We’ve got to stop them. Trump has said there should be punishment for women who get abortions. These are attacks on our rights. To stop these attacks on our rights, we’ve got to get to a Democratic majority in the Arizona legislature.”
- State Representative and House Leader Lupe Contreras (LD-19): “Arizona’s with us. The vast majority of Arizonans cherish their freedom and their autonomy over their bodies. And we, let me tell you, Arizona is outraged. We are outraged at what Donald Trump and the picks to the Supreme Court have done.”
- Arizona Healthcare Provider: “Americans, Arizonans, are being denied standard and appropriate medical care, fertility preserving care, and life saving care. Bans and restrictions impact everyone. Attacking abortion access isn’t new. Attacking privacy isn’t new. Republicans continue to legislate and restrict medical care.”
- Arizona Healthcare Provider: “And as a physician, I know Arizonans are safer with the Democratic’s agenda. With President Biden and Vice President Harris who will fight for our privacy and individual freedoms.”