Final January 6th Hearing Reminds Us How Both Kari Lake and Karrin Taylor Robson Push Election Conspiracy Theories

July 21st, 2022

Final January 6th Hearing Reminds Us How Both Kari Lake and Karrin Taylor Robson Push Election Conspiracy Theories 

PHOENIXToday marks the final  hearing by the House select committee on the January 6th insurrection, making it an ideal moment to recall how both Kari Lake and Karrin Taylor Robson continue pushing dangerous conspiracy theories on not only the 2020 election, but future elections as well.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump and Kari Lake have been vocal conspiracy theorists, pushing disproven lies about the 2020 election and sowing doubt about future ones,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party.  “But Karrin Taylor Robson has also consistently said she doesn’t trust the results of the 2020 election and has refused to say if she would certify Arizona’s 2024 election if she were governor.”

There’s no misunderstanding Kari Lake’s position on the 2020 election. 

  • Kari Lake Suggests She Won’t Concede Primary Election If She Loses–At a June 28 fundraiser Mark Finchem said, “Ain’t gonna be no concession speech coming from this guy. I’m going to demand a 100% hand count if there’s the slightest hint that there’s an impropriety. And I will urge the next governor to do the same.” Lake replied “absolutely” to that comment, suggesting she’d do the same,  noting that Trump never conceded his 2020 loss. “He did not concede, and I think that was really smart because that was the most dirty, filthy, rotten election I’ve ever seen,” Lake said.
  • Kari Lake Says She Wouldn’t Have Certified Biden’s Victory If She Was Governor–In a July 28, 2021 interview with OANN, when asked how she would have handled the certification of the 2020 election, Lake said “I would not have certified it.”
  • Kari Lake Says Mail-In Ballots Rigged the Election–On Twitter in September, Lake endorsed a lie from Trump’s spokeswoman that Democrats rig American elections using mail-in ballots. In a complete 180, Lake is now urging voters in the state to quickly fill in and send in their mail-in ballots.

Karrin Taylor Robson is also pushing 2020 election conspiracies.

  • Karrin Taylor Robson Refused to Commit to Certifying the 2024 Presidential Election, Saying She Would Make “a Judgment Call as to Whether That Evidence is Sufficient to Certify an Election or Not.”–On the July 10th airing of Sunday Square Off, Brahm Resnick asked Karrin Taylor Robson, “One of your most important jobs will be to certify the 2024 presidential election….can you tell voters now you would not allow conspiracy theories like the kinds we’ve heard will continue to influence your decision when it comes to certifying the 2024 presidential election?” In response, Taylor Robson dodged, saying, “I don’t answer hypothetical questions. I look at the evidence presented to me, and I will make a judgment call as to whether or not that evidence is sufficient to certify an election or not.”
  • Karrin Taylor Robson Has Repeatedly said the 2020 Election Wasn’t Fair, Refused to Say if She Would Have Certified the Election–During the first and only GOP gubernatorial debate on June 29th, Karrin Taylor Robson refused to answer if she would’ve certified the 2020 election and said the elections “weren’t fair” before regurgitating fake conspiracy theories about the media and big tech companies suppressing conservative voices. Taylor Robson has repeated this false claim several times before.  In a May 5th, 2022 article from the New York Times, Robson is quoted saying, “The election wasn’t fair.”
  • Taylor Robson Aligns Herself with Election Conspiracists–In a statement she released on Arizona’s 2020 election “audit,” Robson bragged about being the first candidate for governor to support the audit and then blames “liberals in the mainstream media and Big Tech” for silencing conservative voices. She’s also endorsed by Karen Fann, disgraced ringleader of the costly and embarrassing “audit” of the 2020 election that turned up zero evidence of fraud.
  • Robson Blames The Media For Biden winning–In a statement she released on Arizona’s 2020 election “audit,” Robson claims she was the first candidate for governor to support the audit and then blames “liberals in the mainstream media and Big Tech” for silencing conservative voices.

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