FACT CHECK: Blake Masters Supports a National Abortion Ban *Without Exceptions*

For Immediate Release
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss, hgoss@azdem.org

FACT CHECK: Blake Masters Supports a National Abortion Ban *Without Exceptions*

PHOENIX — Despite his best efforts to pivot and dodge on the Arizona U.S. Senate debate stage, nothing can hide the fact that Blake Masters believes in taking the decision to have an abortion away from Arizona women and has spent the last year calling to completely ban abortion in America.

Let’s set the record straight: 87% of Arizonans support the right to safe and legal abortion, but Blake Masters has said he wants to go on “offense” and institute a federal ban on abortion without exceptions. He has called abortion “demonic,” “a religious sacrifice,” and has said the federal government needs to step in and say “no state can permit abortion”.

Why it matters: Arizona women just lost their right to an abortion — a devastating reality that will inflict long-term harm on millions. If that weren’t scary enough, Masters wants to nationalize Arizona’s complete ban on abortion.

See for yourself: 

  • [VIDEO] MASTERS: “It’s a religious sacrifice to these people. I think it’s demonic. And I think we’ve got to put a stop to it,” (On the Relatable Podcast with Allie Beth Stuckey, 9/23/21).”
  • [VIDEO] MASTERS: “I think it’s, you know, diabolical in some real sense. Every society has had child sacrifice or has had human sacrifice in some form, and this is our form, and it needs to stop,” (On EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, 3/12/22).
  • CBS Phoenix: Just days following a Pima County judge’s decision to enforce the state’s abortion law, some state leaders are pushing back against making that measure national law. Arizona Republican nominee for US Senate Blake Masters said he would support nationalizing that ban.
  • Washington Post: Asked last year on One America News if he would support a national ban similar to an Arizona law dating back to the 1800s that “bans all abortions,” Masters said yes.
  • HuffPost: [Masters said,] “So I think you do need a federal personhood law.” A federal personhood law would classify fertilized eggs, zygotes, embryos, and fetuses as persons and give them full constitutional protections. It would criminalize all abortion, with no exceptions, and may also ban some forms of contraception.
  • Arizona Mirror: ​​Masters has also called abortion a “sacrificial ritual” to the left and has referred to abortion as a “genocide.” He has also campaigned on overturning the constitutional right for women to access birth control.


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