Democrats Successfully Repeal 1864 Abortion Ban after Republicans Repeatedly Stall Efforts, Working to Keep Ban

April 24, 2024

Following 15 days of Arizona Republicans lying about their support for the 1864 abortion ban record and stalling every vote on repealing the ban, House Democrats have successfully passed a bill repealing the 1864 abortion ban. The bill, championed by Representative Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton, will now go to the Senate. 

“MAGA Republicans have spent the last week lying about their stance on abortion because they know that when abortion is on the ballot, Democrats win, every time,” said Arizona Democratic Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano. “This is not something they can sweep under the rug– this is a right held dearly by so many Arizonans. Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans like Kari Lake, David Schweikert, Juan Ciscomani, Matt Gress, Shawnna Bolick, and TJ Shope are rightfully scared that Arizonans will vote them out in November.”

ADLCC Co-Chair Priya Sundareshan added, “We are lucky to have Democrats who will do everything in their power to restore protections for the millions of Arizonans who need reproductive healthcare. However, today’s repeal is just one step in the process. We need to flip the legislature so that we can codify abortion access and stop Republicans from interfering in our medical decisions ever again.

As a reminder, here’s how Arizona’s MAGA Republicans are lying about their long and detailed record of undermining reproductive rights: 

Arizona Democrats are prepared to fight for abortion rights up and down the ticket. To learn more about key initiatives, how to vote or how to support Democrats this election cycle, please visit

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