Arizona Democratic Party Statement on SCOTUS’ Deadly Decision to Restrict EPA’s Ability to Tackle Climate Change

For Immediate Release
Friday, July 1, 2022
Contact: Morgan Dick,

Arizona Democratic Party Statement on SCOTUS’ Deadly Decision to Restrict EPA’s Ability to Tackle Climate Change


PHOENIX – Yesterday, the Supreme Court finished its stream of attacks against Americans with a decision to limit the federal government’s ability to regulate policies that will tackle climate change. In a year when some of the most urgent reports have been published calling for immediate action to limit global warming, the Supreme Court’s position puts lives at risk all over the world. This decision, together with overturning Roe v. Wade and gutting Miranda rights is a direct attack against our country’s most vulnerable populations. 


Out-of-touch, dangerous Republicans have been waiting for the day when they can use the Supreme Court as a weapon for their most harmful policies, and they finally got their wish. Arizonans deserve to be represented by people who don’t take command from the Big Oil industry and will take the climate crisis seriously. Voters have a clear choice in November between leaders who can build a better future for everyone, or extremists who are focused on bringing this country backwards.


“Arizona is currently experiencing a climate change fight on all fronts, from water insecurity to rising temperatures,” said Arizona Democratic Party Communications Director Morgan Dick. “If the Supreme Court is going to abandon humanity in this fight, then we must take matters into our own hands and elect leaders who will prioritize the sustainability of our state before it’s no longer a place we are able to call home.” 


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