Arizona Democratic Party Statement on Kari Lake’s Launch

For Immediate Release
Tuesday, October 10th, 2023
Contact: Olivia Taylor-Puckett,

Arizona Democratic Party Statement on Kari Lake’s Launch


ARIZONA -– Tonight, after Kari Lake launched her campaign for U.S. Senate, Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano released the following statement: 


“Lake started her Senate race by reminding Arizonans of all the reasons we rejected her before and why we will do so again. But what Lake couldn’t do is defend her dangerous policies: backing an abortion ban with no exceptions, an end to Medicare and Social Security, and fringe views like putting cameras in classrooms. Her announcement showed all the reasons Republicans — and Arizonans of every political party — didn’t want her to run, and all the reasons she’ll lose again in 2024.”



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