Another Day in 1864: Republicans Triple-Down on Territorial Abortion Ban with No Exceptions

April 17, 2024

House MAGA Republicans have once again voted to keep the 1864 abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest putting at risk the lives of thousands of Arizonans. This comes a week after MAGA Republicans were caught lying about their long and detailed anti-abortion record, were fundraising in Kentucky on the successful passage of their draconian ban, were caught planning to sow misinformation and pull voters away from the abortion access ballot initiative, and repeatedly stalled passage of the repeal at all costs. 

“MAGA Republicans have again shown us they will stop at nothing to take away reproductive healthcare from Arizonans,” said Arizona Democratic Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano. “Voters have seen them time and time again stand on the side of extremism, which is why they will reject Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans like Kari Lake, David Schweikert, Juan Ciscomani, Matt Gress, Shawnna Bolick and TJ Shope in November.”

ADLCC Co-Chair Priya Sundareshan added, “We are lucky to have Democrats who will do everything in their power to restore protections for the millions of Arizonans who need reproductive healthcare. However, our numbers are not yet enough– today is a perfect example of why we need to flip the legislature. Only then will we be able to codify abortion access and stop Republicans from interfering in our medical decisions ever again.”

As a reminder, here’s how Arizona’s MAGA Republicans are lying about their long and detailed undermining reproductive rights: 

Arizona Democrats are prepared to fight for abortion rights up and down the ticket. To learn more about key initiatives, how to vote or how to support Democrats this election cycle, please visit

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