What To Expect From Sunday’s Trump and Lake MAGA Rally of MEGA Lies

For Immediate Release
Sunday, Oct. 9th, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry, Jberry@azdem.org


What To Expect From Sunday’s Trump and Lake MAGA Rally of MEGA Lies

More Election Lies, Republican Disunity and Doubling Down on Her Support of Abortion Bans


PHOENIX — Trump is headed back to Arizona this Sunday for a rally with Kari Lake and Blake Masters. Lake has decided to tie herself completely to unpopular, right-wing extremists like Trump, Masters, Ted Cruz and others, alienating the moderate and independent voters needed to win this race. Unlike some other GOP candidates who’ve tried wooing voters in the center, Lake has placed herself in the furthest right corner for her entire campaign and no doubt we’ll see her pushing more extreme and out-of-touch ideas at Sunday’s rally.  In contrast, Arizona Republicans held a press conference this morning on why they’re putting country over party this election to elect Katie Hobbs as our next governor.


Here’s what we expect to see from Kari Lake:


Lake Will Continue Tearing Apart the Arizona GOP–With less than a month until election day, Lake has failed to unify the GOP and continues only speaking to her far right base. Former Arizona governor Jan Brewer went on the Gaydos and Chad Show this week and said she won’t commit to voting for Kari Lake and that Kari Lake continues to snub the former Republican governor. Other high level Republicans are also defecting from Lake, and every day more Republicans are speaking out about their support for Katie Hobbs. Most notably, Former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney said recently, “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure Kari Lake is not elected.” Instead Lake continues to associate with unpopular extremists like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Blake Masters. She even said of Liz Cheney and Republicans supporting Hobbs, “You know, it’s just a cavalcade of losers.” 


Lake Will Remind Everyone She Supports Any and Every Ban on Abortion–No doubt that at this MAGA love fest Kari Lake will triple down again on her extreme and unpopular stance on abortion. Lake has long supported the 1901 law, which has no exceptions for rape or incest and requires prison time for doctors. She responded to the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe by saying she supports the 1901 Arizona law and celebrated it again as a “great law” during a forum in February and said she would support and enforce it during the Republican primary debate. She’s said, “I am pro-life 100%. I’m against abortion,” opposing exceptions for rape and incest and the life of the mother. When asked if she supported exceptions for rape and incest, Lake said, “I don’t believe that any child should be killed in a mother’s womb” and that “life is sacred and you don’t mess with what God wants.” In a June interview on Fox News, Lake also said she supports banning abortion pills.


Lake Will Repeat Her Favorite Election Lies– No doubt Lake will continue lying about the 2020 election and sowing doubt about the upcoming one. A recent Washington Post article reported that Lake was one of a dozen candidates who “declined to say that they would accept this year’s result.” This is not the first, second or even third time that Lake has refused to say if she’ll accept the results of the gubernatorial election if she loses. At a Univision forum, Lake refused to say she’ll accept the results if she loses, repeating only, “We’re going to win. I’m 100 percent sure.”  Lake is so obsessed with the 2020 election that she’s said it’s the most important issue in Arizona, above immigration, water, and the economy, saying “if we don’t have a fair election, nothing else matters.”


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