The Most Unhinged Moments From The Kari Lake MAGA Rally

For Immediate Release
Monday, August 15th,  2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry,
The Most Unhinged Moments From The Kari Lake MAGA Rally 

And What You Didn’t Hear, Like Her Empty Plans for Arizona’s Rising Cost of Living, Water Crisis or Teacher Shortage 

PHOENIX – Kari Lake continues to neglect talking to everyday Arizonans in favor of rallying with far-right MAGA extremists. This past Sunday, Lake joined Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Blake Masters at the “Unite and Win” rally in downtown Phoenix, hosted by Turning Point Action.

“The rally was a perfect example of how off the rails and disconnected Kari Lake and the Arizona GOP are from the real issues facing our state,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party.  “Lake continues to hide from Arizonans in favor of only rallying with these far-right MAGA extremists, while Katie Hobbs is talking to voters of all political parties and traveling across the state and talking about her plans to fix Arizona’s rising cost of living, our water crisis and the border.”

Read On For The Most Unhinged Moments From the MAGA Rally 

  • Unity? What Unity? Kari Lake Praises DeSantis But Says Nothing About Governor Doug Ducey– Lake gushed about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during her stage time, making her silence on Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey all the more noticeable, especially in light of her quickly forgotten call for unity. The two have not been allies, and their tense relationship was marked with insults and mud slinging before and during the Arizona primary. Now that Lake is the GOP nominee, Ducey has been contorting himself to support Lake. Sadly for Ducey and the Arizona GOP, it doesn’t seem like Lake is willing to reciprocate that support.
  • BDE=Big DeSantis Energy: Kari Lake got on the Turning Point stage and uttered the words “BDE” four times over (yes, we counted). That’s four more times saying “BDE” than Lake said anything about her plans to address Arizona’s skyrocketing cost of living, our water crisis, or teacher shortage. Already Lake has received blowback from using the inappropriate term.
  • Lake Talks About “Backing the Blue” But Continues Attacking Law Enforcement– Lake once again went after America’s top law enforcement agency, the FBI, for executing a search warrant at  Mar-A-Lago. Lake continued to push the type of violent rhetoric about the FBI that has already led to death threats and one incident that left a man dead after he tried attacking an Ohio FBI office. In response to being asked if she supported “disband[ing] the FBI” last week, Lake said “absolutely” and “100 percent I agree.” In another interview, Lake said “It’s time to fire the federal government” in response to the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago, and even suggested Arizona should secede from the United States in retaliation.

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