ROLL THE LAKE TAPES: “We have to rig elections”

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

ARIZONA -– The twelfth edition of The Lake Tapes highlights a recent conversation between Kari Lake and convicted felon Roger Stone from The Kari Lake Show, in which Lake continues to claim the 2020 election was rigged against Donald Trump.

On November 4th – just over three weeks ago – The Kari Lake Show released an interview with Roger Stone, who was on camera dictating details of the fake elector plot days before the 2020 presidential election was called. During the interview, Lake alleges that Trump can’t be countered and that the 2020 election was stolen.

Since announcing her nightmare run for Senate, Kari Lake consistently continues to spread election conspiracy theories: from the day after her launch when she said she’s “never going to give up on” her election court cases to just last week when she said it’s a “fantasy” that President Joe Biden received 81 million votes. She just can’t help herself.

Roll The Lake Tape…

Kari Lake: “I think the media is really the most dangerous entity out there because they’re controlling the information. Not so much anymore thanks to President Trump, because we have alternatives now. But before President Trump, we didn’t really have that many alternatives. […]
Roger Stone: Trump very effectively in 2016, used the platform of social media to punch back and to launch a counterattack on the mainstream media, which is why soon as he was elected, we had this drive for censorship. This is the establishment seeking to put the toothpaste back in the tube. […]

Kari Lake: And going, how do we counter him? We can’t so we have, how do we counter we can’t, we have to censor, just like how do we stop him at the ballot box? We can’t, so we have to rig elections.”

Here is a shortlist of conspiracy theories Lake has pushed about the 2020 and 2022 elections since her launch:

  • October 26th on the Chad Hasty Show: “We’ve got some serious issues with the integrity of our elections, the way they’re being operated and run. And that’s why as, as what happened to us in the governor’s races was absolutely horrifying for the people of our state.”
  • On November 12th:Yes, I agree with Steve Bannon, anyone who thinks Joe Biden won 81 million votes does not have a grip on reality.”
  • On November 24th: “I believe that the majority of Americans do not believe that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. It’s a It’s fantasy. If you think that you didn’t get 81 million votes, it’s impossible. It’s impossible.

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