ROLL THE LAKE TAPES: Lake Says “Bulldoze The Roads” to Deny Federal Agents Access to the Border

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

ARIZONA -– In this episode of the Lake Tapes, Kari Lake suggests that Texas Governor Greg Abbot should turn “off the utilities” and “bulldoze the roads” to deny federal agents access to the border.

This comes as the U.S. Senate takes up the “first major bipartisan overhaul of the nation’s immigration system since the 1990’s,” which Kari Lake has said was negotiated by “the Cartels and DC Uniparty.”

Roll the tape …

Kari Lake: “One of the things that Greg Abbott should do as the federal government tries to prevent him from protecting his citizens from an invasion is he’s got the ability to turn on and off the utilities that these wherever these federal folks are are set up.”

Dan Ball: “Oh, great point.”

Kari Lake: “He’s got the you know, bulldoze the roads going in to wherever the federal agents who are trying to stop them are. They have the right under Article One, Section Ten, Clause Three of the United States Constitution to protect their citizens from invasion.”

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