September 3, 2024
During tonight’s debate, Republican candidates Rachel Walden and Rene Lopez failed to present any plan to lower utility costs for Arizonans. Instead, they further demonstrated their support of policies that have already resulted in $450 million rate increases for customers since 2023.
While it has become clear that the Arizona Corporation Commission is broken “The institution that regulates utilities consistently voted against consumers” [NBC12 News, 1/24/2024] and “Arizona Residents Expected to Pay 75% Increase in Electricity Costs this Summer” [inBussiness, 07/19/2024].
Lopez and Walden promoted the same hands-off policies promoted by Wall Street and special interests, which have resisted cheaper and more reliable alternatives to fossil fuels.
In contrast, the Democratic candidates Jonathan Hill, Ylenia Aguilar, and Joshua Polacheck, offered a clear and unified vision for reducing ratepayers’ costs while ensuring the security of Arizona’s energy and water future.
“The fact is, Arizonans need a voice on the commission. Families are struggling to make ends meet. We have to remember our rural communities and ratepayers outside of our three major utilities’ territory like my hometown of Kingman,” said Democratic Corporation Commission candidate Jonathon Hill.
“Who are we impacting the most when we approve these rate increases? It’s low-income families. At the end of the day the decisions made by this commission are impacting the everyday lives of Arizonans. We must understand that in every step of our processes,” said Democratic Corporation Commission candidate Ylenia Aguilar.
“Were the recent rate increases fair? My three Republican opponents failed to look you, the Arizona voter, in the eye and answer that question. I will. Record profits for the utilities is not the Corporation Commission’s job. The best deal possible for Arizona rate payers while ensuring a reliable grid is,” said Democratic Corporation Commission candidate Joshua Polachek.
Their commitment to cutting costs and securing a cleaner, more sustainable energy and water future stands in stark contrast to the Republicans’ approach.
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