REMINDER: Six Facts about Ciscomani’s Record 

August 29th, 2024
ARIZONAAfter Ciscomani dodged questions from constituents, refused to debate Engel on television, and this year refused to debate his primary opponent, Ciscomani has a long, extreme record to answer for. Before Engel and Ciscomani debate tonight, here are some facts about Ciscomani.

Six Facts about Ciscomani:

  • Ciscomani founded the Arizona chapter of the Patriot Academy, a group that believes we should rewrite the constitution and is against abortion with no exceptions for rape of incest. 
  • Ciscomani refused to debate Engel last cycle and skipped out on primary debates this cycle. 

Ciscomani’s constituents have said that “he consistently votes and sides with the extremists in the HouseThe House majority, which he is a member of, has accomplished nothing because they don’t stand for anything other than to create fear,” and that “when [Ciscomani] had the opportunity to do something about immigration [he] showed the backbone of a jellyfish.” Juan Ciscomani has left voters wondering “Who does Ciscomani represent? Tucson? Or Mar-a-Lago?” and hoping “…he gets a backbone and starts to fight for his constituents,” which is why they will reject him in November.

Voters can learn more about Ciscomani’s record and other key races the Arizona Democratic Party is focusing in on by visiting


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