QUICK CLIPS: In Disastrous Interview, Kari Lake Refuses to Say She Would Certify 2024 Election, Refuses to Admit 2022 Defeat, Admits She Supports Abortion Ban

In interview, NBC reporter asks Lake, “How can [Arizonans] look at you and trust your statements as credible if it seems like you’re just cherry picking”? 

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

ARIZONA -– Yesterday, Kari Lake abruptly ended a disastrous interview with NBC News after she refused to answer whether she would certify the 2024 presidential election if she were a U.S. Senator, instead comparing the election to a “soccer game.”

During the interview, Lake was asked whether she “wanted to say something differently” with regard to admitting she lost the 2022 election, and after a pause she said, “I don’t.” Lake was then asked “As a Senator, on January 6th, 2025, would you vote to codify the election no matter what happens?” And replied, “If you were playing a soccer game and they said to the soccer team, before this election will you agree with every single call the ref makes and agree with everything that happens in this game? Nobody would say yes.”

Lake also correctly called Arizona’s current 15 week abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest a “ban,” and continued on to say it is a “good law” and “the best policy.” Compare that to Lake calling the 1864 abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest a “great law.”

This interview follows Lake’s PBS interview last Friday, during which Lake was “cantankerous, contentious, combative,” showing why Lake “has succeeded in boosting the number of Arizonans who don’t like her by 9 points.”




Julie Tsirkin: You previously called the ballot initiative “too extreme,” do you believe that the current 15 week abortion ban is extreme?

Kari Lake: I think the 15 week abortion ban, not abortion ban, the 15 week abortion law that we have is actually a good law…


Julie Tsirkin: And we’ll talk about that but just —

Kari Lake: No, we’re going to talk about that, now. People don’t care about what you’re talking about  –

Julie Tsirkin: But you just brought up polling several times, that’s why I jumped to that question–

Kari Lake: But people don’t care about what we’ve been talking about in this interview.

Julie Tsirkin: So then why did you bring up polling so many times?

Kari Lake: You brought it up, you’ve asked three questions.

Julie Tsirking: Because I’m following up on what you have said. People want to know who they can trust. We have a big divide in this country–

Kari Lake: Well I can tell you that people can trust me… 

Julie Tskirin: But how can they trust you if you consistently say don’t trust that polling because it shows you losing, don’t trust this institution because it’s not a favorable outcome to you and the former president. How can they look at you and trust your statements as credible if it seems like you’re just cherry picking the institutions and polls that are showing you in the lead? 


Julie Tsirkin: You’ve been asked a million times –

Kari Lake: We have time for one more question.

Julie Tsirkin: You’ve been asked a million times about whether you lost your election in 2022, whether the former president lost in 2020. I’ll give you a moment, in case you want to say now that that is not what happened, that they did lose the election but I know you haven’t answered that before. So I’ll give you a moment if you wanted to say something differently here, before I move on to my question.


Kari Lake: I don’t. Ask your question. 

[Kari Lake laughs]

Julie Tsirkin: As a Senator, on January 6th, 2025, would you vote to codify the election no matter what happens?

Kari Lake: Can you imagine asking a soccer player or football player would you agree right now–

Julie Tsirkin: But this is our democratic process and our elections that have been secure.

Kari Lake: Julie. Would you like me to answer the question?

Julie Tsirkin: I would but you just posed one to me. 

Kari Lake: Or do you want to argue with me?

Julie Tsirkin: No, no, I’m not looking to argue with you. I just want a clear answer for Arizonans once and for all because integrity is a big issue here. 

Kari Lake: If you were playing a soccer game and they said to the soccer team, before this election will you agree with every single call the ref makes and agree with everything that happens in this game? Nobody would say yes. We want to have a lawfully run election. 

Julie Tsirkin: But this isn’t a soccer game. 

Kari Lake: If we have a lawfully run election, absolutely. Absolutely. There’s nothing more I’d rather do. If we have a lawfully run election. So let’s see. We hope we do. We really do. We want to make sure everything is run perfectly and wonderfully. 

Julie Tsirkin: Since a judge threw out your lawsuit, challenging your own election –

Kari Lake: This was my last question. I have another event. 

Julie Tsirkin: But just to be clear. Just to put a point in this, because integrity is a question here among your voters in Arizona. It is why some of them are deciding to support your opponent even though they’re voting for Trump at the top of the ticket. So can you tell them once and for all, that the democratic process needs to be respected, that they didn’t find anything wrong in your 2022 election against Katie Hobbs —

Kari Lake: Julie, I’m going to end this right now but I’m going to say we all in Arizona want honest elections.

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