ICYMI: “How Rep. Ciscomani helped pack the Arizona Supreme Court with anti-abortion judges” [Copper Courier] 

“After remaining consistent for nearly a decade, Ciscomani’s stance on restrictive abortion laws quickly evolved as backlash for the total ban’s reinstatement grew.”

May 9th, 2024

ARIZONA- Today, The Copper Courier exposed Juan Ciscomani’s long anti-abortion record which includes supporting the Life at Conception Act, co-sponsoring H.R. 7, legislation that prohibits using government subsidies, including tax credits, to purchase insurance plans that cover abortions, and handpicking the AZ Supreme Court that brought us back to 1864. 

“Juan is an abortion extremist. His first action in Congress was pushing an anti-abortion agenda, a continuation of the work he did to bring Arizona towards the 1864 ban,” said Chairwoman of the Arizona Democratic Party Yolanda Bejarano. “Juan Ciscomani is the reason an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, prosecutes doctors and providers, and makes it so that Arizonans would have to travel drive 500+ miles for abortion care is on the books. Arizonans know that he has been lying about his abortion record and will hold him accountable this November.” 

Copper Courier: How Rep. Ciscomani helped pack the Arizona Supreme Court with anti-abortion judges
By: Camaron Stevenson

  • A Tucson congressman who helped supervise the appointment of five anti-abortion justices to the Arizona Supreme Court now appears to be a victim of his own success, criticizing the court Monday for their decision to reinstate an 1864 total ban on abortion.”
  • “Prior to elected public service, Ciscomani worked as a high-level advisor in former Gov. Doug Ducey’s administration for nearly a decade, meeting with him weekly and one of four staffers tasked with vetting judicial nominees before the judges were reviewed by the governor.”
  • “All four of the justices who voted to reinstate the 1864 ban were appointed while Ciscomoni worked in this capacity. “
  • “Ciscomani served as a Senior Policy Advisor for Ducey, where he was one of four members of the governor’s staff tasked with vetting judicial applicants, according to reporting from the Arizona Capitol Times. “ 
  • “After remaining consistent for nearly a decade, Ciscomani’s stance on restrictive abortion laws quickly evolved as backlash for the total ban’s reinstatement grew. “

Arizona Democrats are prepared to fight for abortion rights up and down the ballot. To learn more about key initiatives, how to vote or how to support Democrats this election cycle, please visit azdem.org.


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