All About Kari

For Immediate Release
Monday, August 29th, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry,

Welcome to All About Kari, a weekly rundown in the run-up to the general election on every radical and extreme thing Kari Lake says and does.  It can be hard to keep track of tweets, ads and interviews, so we’ve done that for you. Enjoy!


Tweet of the Week

Kari Lake Endorsed Homophobic, Antisemitic Candidate Who Says “All Jews Will Go to Hell”—Last Wednesday, Jarrin Jackson, an Oklahoma state Senate candidate with a history of making racist and anti-gay remarks, announced that he won the endorsement of Kari Lake, who said, “We need fighters in EVERY state that’s why I’m proud to endorse Jarrin Jackson for Oklahoma state senate.” Lake’s response to endorsing Jarrin? “Let me be clear: Our great movement welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to fight for a better future.”Even after facing questions and criticism, Lake declined to acknowledge Jackson’s sordid history as true. While she’s now attempted to walk back the endorsement, Jackson still proudly displays her endorsement on his website.


Jewish Community Relations of Greater Phoenix Doesn’t Accept Kari Lake’s Weak Excuse–After Lake’s campaign tried to tepidly denounce the endorsement of Jackson, the Jewish Community Relations of Greater Phoenix responded, saying,“Kari Lake’s tepid renunciation is wholly insufficient. Lake cannot be bothered to speak, or even tweet, the slightest denunciation of Jackson, let alone his bigotry & antisemitism. For someone who wants to head our state gov, Lake seems remarkably afraid to show any leadership.”


RGA Pulls Offensive, Q-Anon Linked Ad From Airwaves After Scathing Report and Backlash–The RGA has pulled its offensive, Q-Anon linked ad after a scathing report by the Arizona Mirror found it featured a fake human trafficking advocate and backlash ensued from real domestic violence advocates. In the ad, Traci Hansen calls herself an “advocate for human trafficking victims,” but has “no ties to legitimate groups that combat human trafficking.” She did however participate in a “Q-Anon-adjacent march on the Arizona Capitol” and fundraised for an organization that has “embraced Q-Anon.” 


Kari Lake Says She’s Not Like Other Girls–A new digital video shows how Kari Lake sees her fellow woman featuring clips of Lake saying women “aren’t equal to men” and “we don’t want to be equal to them.”


You Get Nothing! You Lose!– A federal judge told Kari Lake and Mark Finchem to hit the road and tossed out theirQ-Anon  lawsuit seeking to force hand count of ballots, saying their claims are unsupported speculation.

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