Arizona Republicans Block Right to Contraception Act, Working to Take Away Reproductive Rights of Arizonans

Yesterday, every Republican in the Arizona House and Senate voted no on advancing the Right to Contraception Act, further demonstrating that Arizona Republicans will stop at nothing to take away the reproductive rights of Arizonans.

Statement from ADLCC Co-Chair Senator Priya Sundareshan: “Over the last few weeks, Arizona Democrats have demonstrated that we will use every tool available to protect access to contraception.  At every turn, Republicans have rejected those efforts. Reproductive freedom is widely supported by Arizonans of all political parties, making Arizona Republicans totally out of step with what voters want from their lawmakers. Make no mistake, if Arizona Republicans retain control of the legislature, Arizonans will remain under threat of losing access to the full range of reproductive healthcare, from contraception to abortion to IVF.”

Statement from ADP Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano: “Arizona Republicans are again demonstrating they are here to take away our rights and push their extremist views. At every opportunity, they have stopped Arizonans from having the right to make their decision over their own bodies and have humilitated Arizonans for fighting for this right. This is one of the many reasons these MAGA extremists will lose in November. ”

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