GOP Attorney General Candidates Battle to See Who Would Be The Worst Person to Represent Arizonans

For Immediate Release
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Contact: Morgan Dick,


GOP Attorney General Candidates Battle to See Who Would Be The Worst Person to Represent Arizonans


PHOENIX- Last night the Republican candidates took the debate stage to argue their case to be the Republican nominee for Attorney General. Let’s just say that if their performances tonight were a representation of how they’d argue for Arizonans in court, we are anything but confident in their abilities. Arizonans are still grappling with the near certainty that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, and these candidates are more concerned with appealing to extremists than defending Arizonans. From pushing lies about the 2020 election to blowing favorite GOP dog-whistles about COVID – all in an attempt to garner support from Trump, these candidates are in a race to the bottom. 


For starters, Tiffany Shedd, who said she was hopeful that Roe v. Wade will in fact be overturned, made a failed attempt at sounding rational when she dodged a question about whether or not she would have signed the 2020 election certification.


Dawn Grove, who is very proud to have the endorsement of pro-life extremist Nancy Barto, spent the few moments she had to speak dodging questions about certifying the 2020 election and throwing in GOP favorite dog-whistles that pander to far-right culture wars on parents and teachers.


Meanwhile, both Andrew Gould and Lacy Cooper relied on fear-mongering rhetoric around border issues as a part of their promise to perpetuate racist and xenophobic policies that harm immigrants and asylum seekers. Like their fellow candidates, Gould and Cooper refused to answer whether or not they would have certified the 2020 election


Abraham Hamadeh went as far as citing the fully debunked “2000 Mules” propaganda film as gospel truth in re-litigating the 2020 election.


Here’s a super helpful tip to all of these Republican candidates: the 2020 election was secure and fair – it’s really a simple answer. 


Oh, and Rodney Glassman? Honestly, we’re with the rest of the GOP candidates and suffering from second-hand embarrassment, on behalf of all Arizonans, that he’s seriously running for office…. again. 


“At a time when Arizonans need to know that they’ll have someone they can trust to protect their rights as our Attorney General, each of these candidates proved they’re more interested in appeasing far-right extremists than representing Arizonans,” said Morgan Dick, Communications Director of the Arizona Democratic Party. “Arizonans deserve someone with integrity who will put Arizona families first, which is why they’ll be electing Kris Mayes in November.”





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