Karrin Taylor Robson Still Hasn’t Properly Amended Campaign Finance Reports

August 1st, 2022
Contact: JBerry@AZDem.org

Karrin Taylor Robson Still Hasn’t Properly Amended Campaign Finance Reports A Week After Getting Caught Taking Flights on Private Jet

PHOENIX– After reporting last week uncovered that Karrin Taylor Robson has been using a private jet for campaign events without properly reporting it, the Taylor Robson campaign has yet to properly amend their reports as they promised.  A written statement from the campaign said that Taylor Robson and her husband will report and reimburse all travel expenses for the campaign event in Glendale and Tucson. “For any previous campaign travel, expenses have and will be similarly reimbursed and reflected in amended campaign-finance reports, as necessary,” the campaign’s statement added. However, more than a week later that still hasn’t happened.

Why It’s A Problem– If Taylor Robson’s campaign accepted the jet travel as an in-kind contribution, she looks to be in violation of Arizona campaign finance law. Campaigns cannot accept contributions from LLCs, according to ARS 16-913 which reads, “A candidate committee may accept contributions only from an individual, a partnership, a candidate committee, a political action committee or a political party.” Private jet joy rides count as a contribution because the rides were for travel to campaign events. Karrin Taylor Robson’s husband Ed Robson is the chairman of a company that is the sole manager of an LLC called “Arlington Aircraft of Nevada LLC,” which owns the Dassault Falcon 900EX private jet Taylor Robson used to fly to campaign events.

Check out the full round up of reporting on Taylor Robson’s joy rides on her husband’s jet:

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