Blake Masters Has a Long History of Attacking Our Military

For Immediate Release
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Contact: Hannah Goss,

Blake Masters Has a Long History of Attacking Our Military
PHOENIX — Just now during the Arizona U.S. Senate debate, Blake Masters couldn’t even comment on his well-documented history of criticizing our military servicemembers and veterans, but the facts don’t lie.

Let’s set the record straight: Masters, who has never served his country, has a long pattern of making unpatriotic comments attacking our military, calling them “totally imcompetent,” “woefully inadequate,” “piss poor,” and “embarrassing.” He has also called to “clean house” in the military, fire every general, and promote “the most conservative colonels.”

Why it matters: Arizona is home to over half a million veterans and active duty servicemembers — several of whom have already called Masters’ comments “disgraceful” and “disqualifying.”

See for yourself: 

Arizona Republic: GOP Senate hopeful Blake Masters repeatedly has criticized US military

  • Republican Senate hopeful Blake Masters repeatedly has said there’s “rot” in the military and that its leadership is inadequate, incompetent and should be fired.
  • “Our military, in some sense it’s the strongest, but it’s also kind of there’s rot in there with the critical race theory and like the general corps, I think is woefully inadequate, and frankly, I think they’re ruining the military,” Masters said in January on entrepreneur Noah Kagan’s podcast OkDork.

Vice News: Blake Masters Wants to Fire All Generals and Replace Them With Conservatives

  • Masters explicitly called for a wholesale firing of the generals at least seven times between August 2021 and March 2022…
  • “I know we still have a lot of great assets, a lot of great people in the military, but the leadership is frankly piss-poor. It’s embarrassing,” Masters told the Daily Wire in November.

Tucson Sentinel: Tucson vets call GOP Senate candidate Masters’ comments on military ‘disgraceful rhetoric’ & ‘disqualifying’

  • Three Tucson-area veterans sharply criticized U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters during a press conference Thursday, calling comments he made against American military leaders “disqualifying” and “disgraceful.”


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