Kari Lake Calls Reporters “Monsters,” Wants To Send Them to Afghanistan

For Immediate Release
Friday, Nov. 4th, 2022

Contact: Josselyn Berry, Jberry@azdem.org

Kari Lake Calls Reporters “Monsters,” Wants To Send Them to Afghanistan
Lake Posts Campaign Video Threatening She’ll be Reporters’ Worst Nightmare


PHOENIX–At an event in Scottsdale on Wednesday night, Kari Lake once again attacked journalists in what has become a cornerstone of her campaign. Lake said, “These monsters in the press….I shouldn’t even call them the press. The propaganda. The propaganda. Let’s defund the press, defund the media.” Lake also agreed to a suggestion that every reporter should be sent to fight in Afghanistan. 

The host replied, “Maybe we can get them in uniform and we can send them to Afghanistan, to which Lake replied,  “That’d be great. I think they should.”

Lake and the rest of the GOP ticket have made journalists public enemy number one, never missing a chance to antagonize and attack them in a hollow attempt to distract from her extreme stances on every issue. Throughout her entire campaign Lake has insulted and largely ignored legitimate media, instead choosing to overwhelmingly appear on friendly MAGA outlets like OANN and Sebastian Gorka’s show. Even when she has press events, she often refuses to answer questions from real reporters, repeatedly referring to the Arizona Republic as the “Repugnant” and insulting local reporters like Brahm Resnick. This week, Lake also released a video that featured the image of a noose, to further attack the press, saying she’ll be their “worst nightmare.” 


“Kari Lake has gone off the deep end. Her strategy of attacking the press to distract from her extreme stances on every issue is as transparent as it is dangerous. Lake isn’t interested in answering basic questions from legitimate press about her out-of-touch ideas, like criminalizing abortion and putting cameras in childrens’ classrooms,” said Josselyn Berry, spokesperson for the Arizona Democratic Party. “She’s only interested in outrageous lies, creating spectacle and attacking reporters in a weak effort to distract from her complete lack of ability to fix  the critical issues facing Arizona.”

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