Arizona Democratic Party Strongly Condemns Anti-LGBTQ Legislative Agenda

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Contact: Morgan Dick,


Arizona Democratic Party and Maricopa County Democratic Party Strongly Condemn Anti-LGBTQ Legislative Agenda 

Recently introduced bills by Arizona Republicans create an environment that leads to bullying and harassment of the LGBTQ community


PHOENIX- Today, two hateful anti-LGBTQ bills were brought to the Senate Education Committee that target the rights of transgender and non-binary students. SB1001 would require written parental consent in order for a teacher to use a student’s preferred pronouns. SB1040, which was scheduled to also be heard in the Senate Education Committee, but was struck from the agenda by lawmakers before they gaveled in. While this could signify a positive outcome, we’re not holding our breath – as they say no bad bill is “dead” until the Legislature fully adjourns for the session. SB1040 is another egregious proposal that would prevent transgender students from using the bathroom that reflects their gender identity and would even allow others to sue the school if they share a facility with a trans person.

These bills show that Republican legislators would rather spend their time bullying students than address the real, pressing issues our schools currently face such as teacher shortages, excessive classroom sizes, and inadequate funding.


“Once again, Arizona’s kids are caught in the crosshairs of lawmakers’ divisive political strategy. These Republican politicians are creating more discrimination and violence against transgender and non-binary children. Our leaders should have zero tolerance for this kind of hate, instead they are inciting it. The Arizona Democratic Party forcefully condemns their hatefulness,” said Arizona Democratic Party Chair Raquel Terán. “We should be lifting people up and creating an Arizona where everyone feels welcome. Not putting people down who are just trying to live their lives as their authentic selves and better their community.”


“This type of despicable hate has no place in our community,” said Maricopa County Democratic Party Chair Nancy Schriber. “Our legislators should be focused on delivering real solutions to the issues our public schools and students face – like equitable funding, mental health support and providing resources to ensure that our public schools are places that every Arizona child can grow and succeed.” 


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