REMINDER: Kari Lake Supports Banning Abortion for Arizonans

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
Contact: Olivia Taylor-Puckett,
REMINDER: Kari Lake Supports Banning Abortion for Arizonans

ARIZONA -– After voters across the country once again rejected Republican attempts to strip Americans of their right to have an abortion, it is clear Senate candidate Kari Lake’s dangerous views on abortion are out-of-step with voters.

Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake recently said her views on abortion “haven’t changed actually.” Lake supports “draconian” bans on abortion without exceptions for rape or incest. Lake has called abortion an “execution,” “the ultimate sin,” and said “I’m 100% pro-life and I’d like to see, I’d like to see no abortions…

The Arizona Democratic Party is rolling the tape on Kari Lake’s record, including her dangerous, unpopular abortion stance.

Roll The Lake Tapes…

Kari Lake on Abortion: “It is not health care. It is the killing. It is the sacrifice. It is the execution of a baby in the mother’s womb.”

Here’s a reminder of where Kari Lake stands on abortion, in her own words: 

Don’t miss a single tape, follow The Lake Tapes here.


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