ICYMI: “Kari Lake 2.0 wants a new 2022 election? So much for moving on” [Laurie Roberts for Arizona Republic]

For Immediate Release
Friday, November 17th, 2023
Contact: Olivia Taylor-Puckett, otpuckett@azdem.org
ICYMI: “Kari Lake 2.0 wants a new 2022 election? So much for moving on” [Laurie Roberts for Arizona Republic]

ARIZONA -– Kari Lake continues to be Republicans’ nightmare Senate candidate who “just can’t help herself” when it comes to pushing election conspiracy theories.

Washington Republicans have been “freaking out” about Lake’s candidacy, and she demonstrated at least twice this week that she has no intentions of giving up her attempts to overturn the results of her failed gubernatorial election.

As KPNX/12News reporter Brahm Resnik noted, Lake has made a “heckuva ‘pivot’” this week from contesting the results of the 2022 election to… asking an appeals court to throw out her “2022 election for governor & order a new election. That’ll win over Republicans who rejected her.”

Also this week, the Arizona Sun Times reported that the Arizona State Bar ”finds probable cause in investigation of Kari Lake’s attorney, he expects to be disbarred.” To which Lake said, “I will represent myself before I drop the case.

Read more about Kari Lake’s “shortest political pivot in history” below.

Arizona Republic Opinion: Kari Lake 2.0 wants a new 2022 election? So much for moving on

By: Laurie Roberts

November 16th, 2023

Key Points:

  • Well, that may just be the shortest political pivot in history.
  • Kari Lake is trying to quietly mend fences with traditional Republicans, the McCainites who have been walking around for lo’ the last year with Lake’s celebrated stake in their hearts.
  • She’s reportedly been advised by national Senate Republicans, who are hoping to regain a foothold in Arizona, to move on from the election conspiracy theories that have become her signature grievance.
  • But … she just can’t help herself.
  • On Wednesday, Lake asked the Arizona Court of Appeals to invalidate the results of the 2022 election and order a revote.
  • Republican-run Maricopa County, she charges, “apparently rigged the November 2022 Election to fail on Election Day.”
  • She claims to have new evidence that shows county sabotage and, of course, there’s the old “evidence” — all of which was rejected by a judge after allowing her two trials to make her case.
  • Kari Lake 2.0, it seems, bears a remarkable resemblance to the Kari Lake Arizona voters have come to know … and reject.
  • It’s likely just the thing that national Republicans have worried about.
  • To do that, however, she must win over the more moderate wing of the party she has spent two years attacking — something a number of Arizona political operatives have predicted will happen right around the time we are shoveling snow in July.
  • Apparently, they are not the only ones who worry about Lake’s ability to move from MAGA to the mainstream.
  • “Outwardly, GOP operatives in D.C. and Arizona hope Lake’s recalibration works,” Politico reported last month. “Privately, they are not sure. She could easily be lured into discussing a variety of issues that could turn off voters beyond her base.
  • Time will tell but eyes were rolling all over the Valley on Wednesday, when her request for a new trial hit public view.
  • “This isn’t about unity. It’s about her my-way-or-the-highway political popularity,” one of those Republicans savaged by Lake told me on Wednesday. 


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