The Abortion Ban Lake Tapes: Abortion Is An “Execution”

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

ARIZONA -– In the seventh episode of the “Abortion Ban Lake Tapes,” Kari Lake yet again calls herself “100% pro-life” and says abortion is an “execution […] pure and simple.”

These comments, taken with Lake’s comments that abortion is “not a medical choice,” “not health care,” support for both the draconian territorial ban and Texas heartbeat ban, show that Kari Lake supports policies that have put women’s lives in danger and would risk “conditions of misery” for Arizonans.

Roll The Abortion Ban Lake Tapes…

Kari Lake:  “I am 100% pro-life […] It is the execution of our most innocent. And that is what it is, pure and simple.”

Don’t miss a single tape, follow The Lake Tapes here.

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