Where In The World Is Kari Lake? Indiana! Illinois with QAnon!


Friday, April 26th, 2024

ARIZONA -– Since last Saturday – when Kari Lake said in Idaho that “’unfortunately’ Arizona isn’t enforcing [the] 1864 abortion ban” – Lake has been to Georgia, Alabama, Florida and even Hungary (virtually) and has plans to be in Indiana and Illinois this weekend. 

On Saturday, Lake will be headlining the St. Joseph County Republicans’ Lincoln Day dinner in South Bend, Indiana. 

On Sunday, Lake will be in St. Charles, Illinois for yet another fundraiser hosted by QAnon adherents and conspiracy theorists:

Kari Lake’s out-of-state travel adds up,” “raising eyebrows” for “how much attention she’s paying to her national profile” as she keeps criss-crossing the nation for GOP county party Lincoln Day dinners.  

The “cross-country itinerary she’s mapped out to promote her campaign appears better suited for someone with national aspirations or a book to sell.” Republicans are sounding the alarm on Kari Lake’s “limelight”-chasing campaign, saying they are “not sure what [Lake’s] path is forward,” that “Kari Lake looks increasingly like she isn’t a candidate that can win” as her “attempt at a campaign makeover appears to have fallen flat.” 

See also: National Review: Kari Lake’s Out-of-State Travel Adds Up; Vanity Fair: Kari Lake’s Senate Bid Is Giving Off Trump-Veep Vibes: “She’s Hedging Her Bets;”  Phoenix New Times: Anywhere but Arizona: Kari Lake loves to campaign. Just not here

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