Arizona Democrats Rally for Abortion Access, Prepare to Win Up and Down the Ballot in November 

June 24, 2024

On the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision that jeopardized reproductive freedom for everyone across the country, Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano was joined by Attorney General Kris Mayes, Representative Nancy Gutierrez, and Arizona Reproductive Freedom for All Executive Director Athena Salman to remind voters of the many ways MAGA Republicans have further restricted reproductive healthcare in Arizona and that the only way to restore these protections is at the ballot box in November. 

“The freedom of what to do with your body belongs solely to Arizonas– not to Matt Gress, TJ Shoppe, Shawnna Bolick, Supreme Court Justices and certainly not to Donald Trump,” said Arizona Democratic Party Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano. “Democrats have always stood for protecting that freedom, while Republicans have time and time again shown they will do anything that Donald Trump tells them to do. Arizonans know that we are fighting for them and that is why we are prepared to win Democrats up and down the ballot in November.” 

Arizona Republicans wasted no time restricting reproductive healthcare and passing abortion bans following the Dobbs decision. In the last two years, Arizona Republicans have: 

  • Passed a 15-week ban with no exceptions for rape, incest, or life of the mother that was then signed by former Governor Doug Ducey. 
  • Former Governor Doug Ducey and then-staffer Congressman Juan Ciscomani packed the Arizona Supreme Court with right-wing extremists that ultimately ruled in favor of the 1864 ban that was released earlier this year. 
  • Congressman David Schweikert has introduced the Right to Life Act in Congress 6 times– legislation that ultimately jeopardized in vitro fertilization (IVF). 
  • Kari Lake’s dangerous and “clear record on” abortion includes everything from saying Roe was “unconstitutional” and calling for sheriffs to enforce an 1864 ban without exceptions for rape or incest that would put doctors in jail.  
  • Statehouse Republicans shot down attempts to codify the local version of the Right to Contraception Act, and months later, national Republicans did the same. 
  • Republican Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli humiliated Arizonans for wanting reproductive freedom. 
  • Arizona Republicans stalled for 22 days in repealing the 1864 ban after weeks of pressure from Democrats and public outrage. 

“For as long as I am Attorney General, no one in the State of Arizona will be prosecuted for getting the care that they need,” said Attorney General Kris Mayes. “This is a freedom that is incredibly important to so many Arizonans, and that’s why I am proud to have worked with this democratic coalition to repeal the ban. We are going to keep fighting to ensure it doesn’t have to take effect at all. Reproductive freedom and the sanctity of our democracy are all on the line this election.”

Since the Dobbs decision, Donald Trump has publicly bragged about making the abortion ban possible and has called for this right to be decided by the states. Donald Trump has proclaimed himself as the most anti-abortion President in the history of the United States and has continued to champion these life-threatening bans in states across the country. 

“If Democrats were in the majority, the 1864 ban would have been repealed on one day,” said Representative Nancy Gutierrez. “Republicans in the statehouse have shown time and time again that they are not fighting for Arizona values like freedom and protecting their democracy– they are constantly putting those things in jeopardy. It’s time Democrats were at the helm so that Arizona can continue moving forward towards progress.”

Prior to the Arizona Supreme Court 1864 ruling, Democrats introduced legislation several times to repeal the 1864 law. Following passage, Democrats worked quickly to introduce legislation in the House and Senate that would repeal the 1864 law, but Republicans stalled the repeal vote for 22 days before succumbing to public pressure. 

“Senate Republicans helped Trump orchestrate the end of Roe v. Wade, and if Kari Lake is elected, she’ll work in lockstep with them to wage even more damage to our rights—including passing a national abortion ban,” said Reproductive Freedom for All Arizona Executive Director Athena Salman. “We can’t let her have the chance, and that’s why electing Ruben Gallego to the U.S. Senate this November is so essential. We need a champion in the Senate who will fight fearlessly for our fundamental rights—not another extremist hellbent on stopping all abortion access in our country.”

Arizona Democrats are prepared to fight for abortion rights up and down the ticket. To learn more about key initiatives, how to vote, or how to support Democrats this election cycle, please visit

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