“There’s two plus years of record that’s going to come back at her […] you can’t just snap your fingers and disappear it.”
Thursday, August 15th, 2024
ARIZONA -– Kari Lake claims she has a “one page record” with “nothing on it,” but today’s episode of the Lake Tapes (and every episode since Lake’s launch) highlights how Kari Lake’s long record is self-serving, extreme, and out-of-touch with Arizonans.
Kari Lake’s toxic agenda is exactly why Republicans were “freaking out” about Kari Lake’s candidacy before Lake even announced. It’s why “GOP senators worry that Lake is not a strong candidate in Arizona … because she has alienated so many center-right and moderate Republicans. And it’s why Lake is “losing currently about 14% of Republican voters who were migrating over to vote for Gallego” and has an “even bigger problem” with Independents where “she trails Gallego […] by more than 15 points.”
Just last week, “Lake said she’s not backing away from her far right agenda.”
Let’s roll the tape on Kari Lake’s record…
KARI LAKE: “There’s a thing called opposition research. Have you heard about that? It’s basically when you go all the history of somebody in politics, you look at their voting record, the things they’ve done. You know, most people in politics have a record about this big and that’s not good. I have a one page record. There’s nothing on it.”
MATT BENSON, GOP Consultant: “There’s two plus years of record that’s going to come back at her in TV ads and what not from everything she said during the last cycle, including telling McCain Republicans like myself to get the hell out. So that’s gonna be, look, you can’t just snap your fingers and disappear it.”
KARI LAKE: “And maybe strap on a glock on the side of us, just in case.”
KARI LAKE: “It is not health care. It is the killing. It is the sacrifice. It is the execution of a baby in the mother’s womb.”
KARI LAKE: “Put cameras in the classroom […] And this is why I talked about putting cameras in classrooms […] If they’re not teaching this stuff, that’s weird and crazy, then put the cameras in there and show it.”
KARI LAKE: “I did a speech once saying that men and women aren’t equal. We aren’t equal.”
KARI LAKE: “You might say, ‘Kari, but you’re our governor. You won.’ And you know, believe me, I know what happened. I saw it. I feel it. I’ve been fighting, and I want each and every one of you to know — and I’m going to try and look in all of your eyes — I’m not giving up the fight to restore honest elections.”